Sunday, March 4, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

The other day I was scrolling through Netflix looking for something to watch, since whenever I actually have the time to watch TV nothing good ever seems to be on.  Anyway, even though it is slightly embarrassing (a guilty pleasure of mine) I stumbled upon an old show by the name of Quantum Leap. 
For anyone who doesn’t know about this goofy program, it was filmed in the late 80’s to early 90’s and about a young, nerdy (but cute) scientist, Sam Beckett (played by Scot Bakula), who discovered a way to “leap” into other people’s bodies in other times. Each story-line revolves around Sam trying to solve a problem and change the course of history. 
He does all this with the help of his crazy side-kick, Al (played by Dean Stockwell), a holographic image that only Sam can see and hear. Although, half the time Al is spending more time talking about all the women he slept with and making wise cracks than actually helping Sam. And every episode has Sam either getting punched in the face or making out with some gorgeous woman (sometimes both).  But he seems to take it like a man. All in the name of science, rig ht?

Even though this is hard to admit, I kind of like it. The show is unbelievably cheesy and the special effects are really bad, but it makes me laugh. You have to chuckle at the goofy outfits and all the ridiculous antics.  (By the way, if anyone was wondering if Sam ever jumped into the body of a woman, the answer is yes and it’s hilarious).  You haven’t seen anything until you see Scot Bakula in a dress and heels).  So, if you feel like laughing, check it out. 

I think I have embarrassed myself for one day.
Is there anyone else brave enough to admit to liking a particular TV show that could be classified as a “guilty pleasures?”
Post your comments and let me know what shows you don’t want anyone to know you watch.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."
Robert Louis Stevenson
I found this quote very interesting and applicable to my current situation. As I start to finish up my time in college, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about my future. I sometimes feel that I not moving as fast as I should be. My life hasn't taken me to where I thought I would be by now. In a year or so I will be graduating and will looking for a full-time job and I still don't know what I want to do with the rest of my life. But I forget that life is not instantaneous or what we expect it to be. Just because I haven't met all my goals, doesn't mean that I'm unsuccessful.  
Too often we are impatient and can't wait to watch our dreams become a reality. I find myself sometimes longing for the day when I can have the stable and established career I want  This preoccupation with the future can distract you from what's happening in the present moment. Maybe I need to spend more time enjoying the ride instead of  worrying about the destination.
While its important to make plans for the future and be ambitious, I feel that I need to take a cue from Robert Louis Stevenson and take it one step at a time. Before I can get what I want, I need to allow myself time to grow. Putting pressure on myself will not help me get what I want. I am planting my seeds now and they need time and space to thrive.
If there is anyone out there who feels the same as me, I hope you consider giving yourself a break. Even though you may not have the ideal job or you have no clue as to what you want to do with the rest of your life, I hope you can allow yourself to enjoy the journey and not agnoize over what you should do or what will come in the future. This also reminds me of the famous quote that I think we should take to heart.
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

An Inspiring Thought

Waking up on such to such a beautiful, warm day in Februrary has encouraged me to appreciate my life. Too often I find myself rushing through the day, trying to complete every task, every job without even opening my eyes to the beauty life gives us. While there are important responsibilities we have in this world, I can't help but feel that I've forgotten how to enjoy my life. Happiness is too important to be squandered on stress and tension.

I know its a little late to be making New Year's resolutions and frankly, I feel they are pretty useless since almost no one sticks to them, but I have decided to devote more time to enjoying all the pleausures in life that I have so often taken for granted. I need to recognize all the good things life gives me and to be grateful for all the wonderful people and moments I that have. It may sound cliche and its been done before, but I feel enjoying life is too important to ignore. I hope that everyone takes note of something beautiful in their life today.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Let me introduce myself. My name is Valerie. And this is my first experience writing my very own blog. The reason I have started this is because I am currently a student at West Chester University and for one of my classes the professor assigned us all to write blogs.

I am very excited because I see this opportunity as a new adventure for me as a hopeful writer. I have never before written anything for the public to view.  Even though its a little scary to present your thoughts and ideas to anyone out there on the web, which could potentially set myself up for harsh criticism from others, I do hope that this blog will contribute to my growth as a writer.

I also hope that I will be able to learn from other bloggers out there. Reading what others have to say could open my mind to new ways of thinking and seeing the world.  And if I want to be a good writer, I have to take a look around me to what is happening and get acquainted with many different philosophies. I hope to embark on adventures and write about my experiences and in order to do this I will need to take a step forward.  This will be my first step.

So I hope the viewers of this blog will enjoy my thoughts, ideas, and overall observations on life. Just keep in mind that I am new to blogging community so bare with me if I stumble a bit.
I found this quote and hope that it will keep me motivated in both my writing and in life.

Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it's the only way you can do anything really good.
- William Faulkner

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Technology Narrative

My earliest memory of using a computer was when I was around four or five years old.  Growing up I remember that the only computer we had in the house was a laptop that my dad used for his job.  But I mostly used it for playing games.  My favorite game was an old version of Wheel of Fortune.  Even though my sister and I were too young to understand the strategy of the game, we still so thrilled to just to be playing with a new and innovated technology.   
Looking back now I realize that the graphics were primitive, there were not many pictures but mostly text, and the program was extremely slow and on an old fashioned floppy disk.  But that was all my family and I knew at the time.  Computer technology at home was still in its early stages and improvements were constantly being made to home computers.  As a child, I did not understand the changes being made and I am sure I would not have cared either.  For me and my family, we were using it for entertainment.
As I dive further into my self-reflection, I realize that computers play a much bigger role in my life now than when I was young.  From around the time I started high school, I was using computers on a regular basis.  Because I was involved in a distant learning school that was located in Ann Arbor Michigan, I had to be comfortable with sending and receiving important information over the Internet.  Many of the operations I had to perform were sending and receiving emails from my educational advisor, obtaining my high school transcript information, and logging in my hours I spent working.  In addition to that, I was writing my reports, organizing projects and researching on the Internet.  Since I was exposed to computers at such a young age and had grown up with the technology, I was able to adapt rather quickly to using the computer and the Internet in my everyday life.  Before, I had only used it occasionally for entertainment but eventually I had learned to use both the computer and Internet daily.     
  Today, I feel that I use computer even more frequently.  Now that the Internet is used constantly and for multiple reasons, I find myself opening my laptop more and more to check email, see if any of my friends are on Facebook, or read about what’s new in the world.  Even though these new technologies are suppose to be more convenient and make our lives easier, I feel as though computers take up too much of my time.  Even when I am watching TV, I sometimes become distracted and cannot help going online. 
But I am not the only person that spends too much time on computers or devices.  Every day, I watch people walk around with their cell phone attached to their ear or their thumbs constantly typing texts to friends.  Despite the benefits of these new technologies, I believe that computers have also pushed humans further apart.  No longer do you have to sit next to someone and have a conversation.  Now you both can text one another on your phone or send instant messages online.  People have accumulated thousands of friends on Facebook but how many of those so called “friends” could they really rely on? 
As I take notice of these effects of technology, I realize that I do not want to be someone consumed by these electronic devices and computers.  It is still important to have real human interaction and communicate with others face to face.  I see the benefits and fully appreciate the advanced technology and all the conveniences it brings.  But on the other hand, I want to be more aware of the time I spend on the computer and to not let it absorb all of my time. When I was first introduced to computers, it did not take over my life.  Why would I want it to do so now?